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The Nature of Me

I love nature. It is vital to me to spend time in nature everyday, whether it's a walk with my dog in my favourite park, daydreaming on the rocks by the ocean, or sitting outside in my yard in meditation. I also find as an introvert, time in nature recharges my battery better than any other way. Being an introvert makes me a good listener, and has many benefits which led me to being a coach. I realized I wanted to help other introverts like me, who have something to say, but in an often extroverted world, don't feel seen or heard. My goal is to experience freedom of schedule and joy everyday, in business and in life. When I speak to other introverts in business, these themes come up for them too, and I am excited to be able to guide introvert women in business on their journey.


I have been a photographer for many years, and my favourite subjects have always been nature. I love skies, close-ups of flowers, leaves, patterns, and so much more. To me, nature photography brings a natural state of flow as I can focus on the beauty and detail of what is right in front of me at this moment, and it feels timeless. In that way, I find nature photography more of a meditation and mindfulness practice, and I enjoy this for my own life balance and as a workshop offering too.


I am fortunate to live near the ocean, and also have access to a lake for swimming, kayaking, peace and beauty. I live with my daughter, partner, dog, and cat in Eastern Passage, Nova Scotia.

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The Nature of You

We know that tapping into our intuition is the way to make decisions that are aligned with our true selves - but we often don't know how. So often, we're out of touch with how we truly feel, what we truly want. I coach alongside nature - allowing the sights, sounds, smells, and sensations to bring us back to our own true nature. In working with nature, we allow our creativity to spark and our soul to be inspired. It is in nature that, I believe, we find ourselves and the can decide on the best path forward. 


I value the quiet strength of introverts and the desire of women to find their element and share their gifts with the world. I am here to guide you toward your inner knowing, not to give you the answers, but to create a clear path so that you can find your own, and align your values with your business and life.


I invite you to book a free 30 minute call and have a chat - we can talk about where you are in your journey, what I have to offer, and if you feel I can help move you forward towards freedom and joy in your business and life.

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